National SDS Condemns Expulsion of Pro-Palestine Student Protestors

National SDS Condemns Expulsion of Pro-Palestine Student Protestors

On Friday, June 7th, the University of South Florida (USF) made the decision to expel Victoria Hinckley, a leader of the Tampa Bay chapter of Students for a Democratic Society. Hinckley had previously been suspended and barred from walking at graduation, despite being in her final semester. Joseph Charry, another leader of SDS and an international student, was also suspended for a year which threatens his student visa and puts him at the risk of deportation.

All of this repression is in response to Tampa Bay SDS’ Gaza Solidarity encampment on April 30th. Students attempted to set up an encampment to join the national call to demand that universities divest from corporations that are complicit in Israel’s ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people. In response to this demonstration, over 100 police in riot gear from at least 6 law enforcement agencies attacked the students, tear-gassed them, set the Martin Luther King Jr campus lawn on fire, and ultimately arrested 10, with 3 arrested the day before. Following the arrests, students have faced conduct hearings, suspensions, and ultimately the expulsion of Victoria Hinckley.

The administration of USF is trying to make an example out of SDS. They think that if they expel us, they can make us stop fighting for Palestine. They are wrong! National SDS is proud to stand with Tampa Bay SDS in their fight against these bogus charges, and we commit to continue the fight for divestment until Palestine is free, from the river to the sea!