National SDS Congratulates DC 4 on Campaign Victory

On May 2nd, 2023, 4 protesters were arrested for rightfully protesting the presence of Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos, president of the Philippines, who was dining with billionaires in Washington, DC. His administration has killed many social movement leaders since he was elected, earning him the ire of Filipino people around the world. In a victory for the protesters, the prosecution has failed to press charges against the protesters. National SDS congratulates the DC 4 on thisvictory!
So far, Marcos' administration, including Sara Duterte, the daughter of ex-Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte, has overseen deepened poverty and increased police repression, military killings, and the assassinations of human rights activists and leaders of social movements. Their administration receives hundreds of millions of dollars a year from the US government in exchange for continued military collusion and enforcement of US foreign policy in the Philippines and across Asia. Only the small circle of Filipino and American billionaires who support Marcos and Biden benefits, and everyone else loses.
It was brave and right for the DC 4 to protest. The political repression these activists have faced is part of a new wave of attacks meant to deaden the rising politically conscious youth movement, like we’ve experienced with the brutalization, arrest, and legal persecution of the Tampa 5 protesting Florida Governor Ron Desantis’s attacks on education. SDS says: Hands off protesters, congrats to the DC 4, and no more US funding, weapons, and military support for Marcos' dictatorship!