SDS Statement on Abbott's Border Escalation

On January 24th, Texas Governor Greg Abbott passed an executive order invoking Article I, Section 10, Clause 3 of the Texas constitution in response to what Abbott views as a failure by the Biden administration to “protect [the states] against invasion”. Abbott has declared an invasion under Article I, Section 10, Clause 3 “to invoke Texas’s constitutional authority to defend and protect itself.” Abbott has mobilized the Texas National Guard, the Texas Department of Public Safety, and other Texas personnel to “secure the Texas border”. The “invading party” is stated to be immigrants attempting to cross the border.
The ramifications of this order are immensely alarming. Among other things, this order gives Texas personnel the authority to utilize lethal force against anyone they deem part of the “invading force”. This order is nothing short of a horrendous display of anti-immigrant racism on behalf of the Texas state government. This order takes the deadliest immigration route in the world and gives Texas personnel the authority to fire at the immigrants on that route. This order demonizes innocent humans seeking a better life by declaring them an invading force.
The Students for a Democratic Society condemn this recent order and view the actions taken by Greg Abbott as inhumane. We demand the Texas legislature take the necessary steps to overturn and invalidate this order. The right to pursue a better life is a right that should be afforded to all.